Ways to protect yourself from toxic exposure to asbestos

by | Mar 1, 2017 | Firm News |

People have known about the risks of asbestos exposure for several decades. However, that has not stopped companies from using it in their products. While some forms of asbestos have been banned, it continues to be used in new products and, more often than not, found in old products like floor tiles or insulation.

Because there is still a serious threat of asbestos exposure for people all across Wisconsin, it is crucial to know how you can protect yourself from breathing it in and suffering serious health complications.

  • Wear protective gear. As specified by the Environmental Protection Agency, this can include gloves, respirators, coveralls and gloves. After the gear is contaminated, be sure to clean it or throw it away.
  • Know the regulations and rules. There are numerous guidelines in place for removing and disposing of asbestos safely, from wetting materials to labeling bags of waste. Complying with these guidelines is essential.
  • Leave it alone, if you can. Asbestos becomes a serious risk when it is disturbed and becomes friable or airborne, as this is when people breathe it in. If you don’t have to remove it, leave asbestos alone and cover it up.
  • Call in the professionals. If you must removed materials containing asbestos, it is best to leave abatement in the hands of people who know how to do it safely and have the equipment to handle the task properly.

Unfortunately, for many people, these tips come too late because they have already been exposed to asbestos. If you or a loved one has already suffered toxic exposure, or if you have been diagnosed with an asbestos-related illness, it is crucial that you consult an attorney. Doing so can help you pursue the you may be eligible to receive.


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