People who suffered severe brain injuries in auto accidents, falls, sports injuries and other trauma were disappointed by the news a few days back that a possible treatment doesn't do what experts had hoped. The military had high hopes for citicoline, a...
Month: November 2012
Shooting to defend, or shooting to prevent?
There are many people who are afraid of pit bulls. The dogs have a reputation for biting, and biting hard, sometimes fatally. So it comes as no surprise that a bystander who saw three pit bulls run up to a jogger in Tampa, Florida recently felt the need to protect the...
A decade in prison for texting while driving
A Wisconsin man convicted of causing a fatal accident is looking at 10 years in prison, possibly the toughest sentence ever handed out for texting while driving. The 23 year-old was convicted 2nd degree reckless homicide for causing a December, 2012 crash that killed...
A mother’s neglect ruins four lives
One of the things that children learn in middle school science is the physics of moving objects. They learn that objects at rest tend to stay at rest, and objects in motion tend to stay in motion. Those same laws pertain to cars. If the vehicle you're riding in stops...