When you are on the roadways, you expect that all the drivers on the road will pay attention to what is going on around them. You don't expect them to be distracted by eating, cellphones, the radio or anything else. Sadly, accidents happen that are caused by drivers...
Month: August 2014
Wisconsin boy dies after semi-truck accident
Semi-truck drivers have to be aware of how traffic around them is flowing. Failing to pay attention to those around them can cause accidents that might lead to serious injuries. The reasons for semi-truck drivers to not have their full attention on the roadway can...
Wisconsin quarantine requirements after an animal bite
Wisconsin residents must know that local laws have put quarantine requirements on animals who bite people. This goes for both cats and dogs. An understanding of how these laws work and how the quarantine must be carried out can help residents know what to do after an...
Wisconsin parents sue over child’s death at nanny’s hands
Parents in Wisconsin are claiming that a nanny they hired to watch their child, who was just 3 months old, actually killed the baby while it was in her care. Moreover, they say that the woman was drunk on the job when the incident occurred. They say that this is in...
Car accident case involving cop gets Supreme Court ruling
Almost all drivers know that if a police car or other emergency vehicle is running with lights and sirens active that they are supposed to yield the right of way. What many people might not realize is that the drivers of the emergency vehicles still have a duty to...