Cases involving dog bites are often complicated, especially when the dog is roaming loose in public or when the owner cannot be identified. The Menasha police are asking for the public’s help in identifying a dog that bit a woman and whose owner has not yet been identified.
The incident occurred near Nicolet Boulevard and Lopas Street when a 42-year-old woman who was walking was bitten on her hand by a dog. The dog is said to be a pit bull mix with black and light brown fur and was being walked by a man in his 30s. The owner was said to be a white man wearing black running pants and an Under Armour jacket. The dog and its owner have not yet been identified, but Menasha police are hoping that someone will recognize the description of the dog or owner and come forward. There is no report on the woman’s condition at this time.
Owners are required to keep their dogs under control in public. The owner of a dog that bites a pedestrian can be held liable for the damages sustained in the incident. If a dog bites an individual, the owner is usually liable for all medical bills as well as payments for the pain and suffering of the victim. The owner may also be subject to criminal charges if it can be shown that he or she was negligent in keeping the dog under control.
A personal injury attorney can represent the victim of a dog bite in any legal actions to recover damages. By hiring a personal injury lawyer, a dog bite victim can obtain valuable advice on recovering payments for all types of damages resulting from the injury.
Source: News Talk WTAQ, “Menasha police investigating dog bite,” Dec. 23, 2012