Driving when the road conditions are less than ideal requires vigilant attention to what is going on around you. If you lose control of your vehicle for a split second, tragedy can occur. With the recent wave of icy, snowy conditions in Wisconsin, even the most experienced drivers may have been experiencing difficulties while driving. For one 29-year-old woman, an accident in Marathon County led to a horrible tragedy.
The car accident occurred at around 7:30 Tuesday morning on Highway 13. A 23-year-old woman driving a pickup truck crossed the centerline and hit a van head-on. The driver of the van was a 29-year-old pregnant woman.
Both drivers were seriously injured. Emergency crews were called to the scene. The Ministry Spirit Transportation vehicle was involved in an accident on the way to this accident.
The two female drivers were taken to Ministry Saint Joseph’s Hospital. The pregnant driver’s unborn baby died because of the accident. She is hospitalized in serious condition. The driver of the pickup truck was also hospitalized and is in fair condition.
It is believed that the pickup truck crossed the centerline of the roadway because of slippery conditions. That just goes to show that you must be extremely careful when you drive on slick roadways. This horrible accident claimed the life of an unborn child and injured two women.
The pregnant woman might decide to explore her options for seeking for the accident. She might find that she can seek damages for lost wages, medical bills and other claims related to the accident. Seeking advice from a Wisconsin personal injury attorney might help her make decisions about her legal options.
Source: WisconsinRapidsTribune.com, “Unborn baby killed in Colby crash” No author given, Feb. 20, 2014