The last thing that some people want to worry about when they are going to a park with their family members is whether or not there will be dogs there. The threat of dog bites, dog poop and other dog-related incidents is enough to make some people cringe. In Madison, Wisconsin, people who aren’t fans of dogs in public parks might soon have to deal with having them there anyway.
The Madison Parks Commission Board is studying whether the current ban on dogs in public parks makes sense. The board chairman says that four new dog parks have been added in the last two years, but he says pressure is mounting to do more.
Opponents of removing the ban on dogs in public parks say that safety is a big concern for them. One mother says that she is comfortable taking her children to an area where she won’t encounter dogs. She reminded people that even a dog with a good temperament could decide to bite.
With more than 200 parks in Madison with an active dog ban that includes even dogs that are on leashes, it is fairly easy to see why the board would want to revisit the issue. It is important for them to take the safety of the residents and park visitors into account when they make their decision. No person who visits a park wants to have to worry about a dog bite.
Anyone who is bitten by a dog has the right to seek for those injuries from the owner of the dog. Knowing the laws surrounding dog bite cases might help you to understand the process of seeking .
Source:, “More city parks may open to dogs” Tony Galli, Jul. 11, 2014