We have often covered accidents in which people suffered from head injuries. In some of those cases, the head injury was a concussion. While some people might not think of a concussion as a serious injury, it has the potential to be a very serious injury in some cases. Our Wisconsin readers might like to know about some of the specifics of a concussion.
A concussion can be caused by several types of accidents. A fall, a car accident, a sports injury or a blow to the head can all cause a concussion. In simple terms, a concussion happens when the brain is jarred within the skull.
After any hit to the head or jarring of the head, the victim should watch out for signs of a concussion. One of the most obvious signs of a concussion is a headache. Being confused or drowsy might signal a concussion. Seeing things like stars or all white, all black or flashing lights are indicative of a concussion. Nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness and memory loss are also signs.
More severe concussions have other symptoms, including seizures, prolonged confusion, muscle weakness, balance issues, being in a coma or unequal pupils. These are all signs that warrant an emergency room visit.
For a person who suffered a concussion, it can take days or months to recover. This time can be consumed with medical appointments that might make it impossible for the victim to work. That, coupled with the incoming medical bills, might be disastrous. In that case, seeking from the party responsible for the accident might help to take some of the strain off of your bank account.
Source: PubMed Health, “Concussion” Nov. 02, 2014