The winter holiday season and wintry precipitation come together in Wisconsin to form a perfect storm of sorts that can wreck havoc on the roadways. With the uptick in traffic because of holiday travel, it is easy to see why all drivers have to be extra cautious around the holidays. For this reason, we would like to take a few minutes to remind drivers of some basic state laws that help to keep motorists safe.
In Wisconsin, everyone in a vehicle must be properly restrained. For adults and children who are at least 8 years old, this means wearing a seat belt. For children who are 4 to 7 years old, a booster seat is required. Children who are 1 to 3 years old should be secured in a forward-facing child seat. Infants who are under a year old must be in a rear-facing infant seat. This helps to keep people from being thrown around the vehicle or thrown from the vehicle if there is an accident.
Drivers should also know that Wisconsin law forbids drivers from texting while driving. While cellphone use for drivers who aren’t classified as intermediate or learner isn’t banned, it is a good idea to let the phone calls wait until you aren’t driving so you can focus on the roadways.
Even though you do everything in your power to stay safe this holiday season, you might still end up being injured in a car accident. If you are injured in an accident caused by a distracted driver, a negligent driver or a drunk driver, you can seek for your injuries by filing a claim for damages in civil court.
Source: Governors Highway Safety Association, “Wisconsin” Dec. 16, 2014