Being in an automobile accident isn’t something that is on the top of anyone’s to-do list on any given day. Sadly, these accidents do occur. In some instances, they can lead to someone suffering from a brain injury. Our readers in Wisconsin might be interested in learning a little bit about how injuries to the brain can affect a person.
What can a brain injury to the right side of the brain cause?
Brain injuries to the right side of the brain can lead to visual memory problems, visual-spatial impairment and a decreased awareness of various deficits. Because the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, an injury to the right side of the brain can cause problems controlling the left side of the body.
What can a brain injury to the left side of the brain cause?
A brain injury to the left side of the brain can cause verbal memory issues, difficulty speaking, difficulty understanding a language and impaired logic. It can also cause problems, such as anxiety or depression, which are considered catastrophic reactions. Injuries to the left side of the brain can affect the movement of the right side of the body.
What happens if both sides of the brain are injured?
When both sides of the brain are injured, it is considered a diffuse brain injury. This type of injury can cause fatigue, confusion, slow thinking, reduced attention, limited concentration and impaired cognitive thinking.
As you can see, brain injuries can affect various body systems. These are very serious injuries that can require considerable medical care and rehabilitation. This can all result in considerable medical bills. Anyone who has suffered a brain injury caused by someone else’s fault might opt to seek to help out with those bills.
Source: Brain Injury Association of America, “Living With Brain Injury” Jan. 05, 2015