Wisconsin Bike Week starts off with 2 cyclists killed

by | Jun 11, 2015 | Car Accidents |

Keeping watch for bicyclists is something that all motorists should do. In an effort to raise awareness for bicyclists, Wisconsin has started Wisconsin Bike Week. This year’s Bike Week started off with two cyclists dead after an accident with an SUV.

The accident occurred in Muskego. Two men were cycling along Highway 36 southwest of Milwaukee when they were struck by the vehicle, which was driven by a 20-year-old driver. It is unclear what led to the accident, but now the family members of those two men have to move on with life without their loved one.

The Wisconsin State Patrol was reconstructing the accident to try to determine how the bicycle-vehicle crash happened. They have booked the driver of the SUV on possible charges related to negligent homicide in the death of the 54-year-old man and 45-year-old man.

This accident shows just how important it is for drivers to watch out for bicycles. In 2014, there were 925 bicycle accidents reported to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. In those accidents, 4 bicyclists were killed. That is a big change, but a very positive change, from previous years. In each of the five years prior to 2014, 10 cyclists were killed.

If you were cycling and were hit by a motor vehicle or if you have a loved one who was killed while bicycling, you have the right to seek . It is important for you to understand your rights and your responsibilities. In Wisconsin, your time to seek is limited, so make sure you take swift action so your time doesn’t run out.

Source: WHBL, “Two bicyclists killed in Muskego crash during opening of ‘Wisconsin Bike Week’,” June 08, 2015


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