You can be compensated when you’re hurt on the job

by | Nov 15, 2016 | Firm News |

Working in construction can put you in harm’s way in more than one set of circumstances. The “Fatal Four” is a nickname for the top four most fatal accidents in the construction industry. Falls, electrocutions, being struck by an object and being caught in-between objects are the main risks to these .

Falls caused 359 out of 899 total fatalities in the construction industry in 2014. That’s 39.9 percent of all fatalities. In comparison, being caught between objects only accounted for 4 percent of fatalities, making it less of a risk but a major risk none the less.

In the 2015 fiscal year, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration reported that fall protection was one of the top most frequently cited violations. That means might not have been tethered to a platform or failed to have other safety gear present at the scene. Electrical wiring methods and problems with equipment also led to violations that made it into the top 10 for 2015.

Each of these risks can be eliminated with good safety techniques, which is why it’s so terrible when someone is hurt and killed. It’s believed that approximately 545 ‘ lives would be saved every year if the four top causes of fatalities were eliminated.

If you’ve been hurt at work, you’re not alone. should help cover your expenses and even support you with benefit pay until you can get back to work in some cases. If you believe that you’ve been given too little or aren’t able to seek it because your employer didn’t carry it, then you may be able to file a civil lawsuit for instead. Our website has more information on the steps to take next.


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