Regardless of your profession, job title, or the industry in which you work, there is always a chance that you could suffer an on-the-job injury.
As you can imagine, some of these injuries are more serious than others. Even so, you need to do whatever you can to remain safe at all times.
Here are some of the most common on-the-job injuries:
— Broken bones
— Lifting injuries
— Back and neck injuries
— Spinal cord and brain injuries
— Chemical exposure
— Amputation
— Repetitive motion injuries
— Loss of hearing and vision
— Organ injury
— Paralysis
Some jobs carry more risk than others. For example, a construction worker is more likely than an office worker to suffer an amputation. However, an office worker may be more likely to suffer a repetitive motion injury.
At our law firm, we understand the seriousness of an on-the-job injury. This is why we do whatever it takes to protect the legal rights of our clients.
If you have been injured on the job, don’t hesitate to learn more about your rights with regard to ‘ . The money that you receive as you recover can be used to keep you financially afloat for the time being.
At some point, you may find that your claim has been denied. If this happens, you should not give up just yet. Instead, there is an appeals process for you to follow. By doing so, you may be able to have the decision overturned, thus receiving in the near future.