When you head out the door for work each morning, you likely aren’t thinking about safety. Even though you know you have to be safe in all you do it likely isn’t at the front of your mind. That needs to change if you want to prevent head injuries while on the job in Wisconsin. Here’s how you can avoid those injuries so you don’t miss time at work.
Be aware of your surroundings. You can become very complacent the more comfortable you get at your place of employment. You need to be on the lookout for hazards that can cause injuries to your head. Items can fall from shelves, from the ceiling and even from forklifts or platforms.
If you need to bend down to pick something up, you should make sure you have enough clearance coming back up. You don’t want to slam your head against a desk, counter or other piece of furniture when picking something up. This is an easily avoidable head injury at work.
If you go into an area of your workplace that requires the use of a hard hat, make sure you wear one. Do not enter the area without the hard hat on your head. This can help prevent suffering head injuries that could be incredibly severe and leave you out of work for an extended time.
Missing time at work due to an injury can be difficult to get used to. Even though you will receive ‘ payments you won’t be getting the full amount of your salary. Simply avoid getting injured by being as safe as possible.