So many people look forward to the summer months in Wisconsin, especially after the brutal weather the winter brings to the area. But, not everyone likes the heat that the summer months bring, especially those who work outdoors on roadways, construction sites, farms and stadiums. The heat can cause a lot of health problems if you are not safe. Be sure to follow these heat-related safety tips.
When you are working outdoors, it can be very difficult to avoid the direct sunlight. The best way to do this is to wear a hat, apply sunscreen multiple times throughout the day and try to get some shade when you have the chance. When it is time to take a break, you need to do so inside where there is air conditioning and protection from the sun.
Each time you work outside, you need to have plenty of water with you. It should be cold so that it helps refresh your body. If you don’t bring water, bring a drink that will replenish your electrolytes. This will help you avoid dehydration.
There should always be an emergency plan in place when working outdoors in the event that you or a co-worker suffers a heat-related injury or illness. This plan should include accessing a first aid kit, tending to the ill employee and knowing when to call 911.
Staying safe on the job in the heat of summer can be difficult, especially if the temperatures are overwhelming. Make sure you drink plenty of water, dress appropriately, apply sunscreen and take breaks. If you seek medical attention through ‘ , make sure to notify your employer within the required time frame. Heat-related injuries can lead to future medical issues, so it’s important to get good medical care. If your ‘ claim is denied, an experienced attorney can advise you of your legal options.