When you head out the door each day for work you likely don’t think about suffering an injury. Even though you might have it in the back of your head how to keep yourself safe, you probably aren’t thinking about what you will do if you are ever injured on the job. Today, we will discuss the most common causes of leg injuries at workplaces in Saint Croix, Wisconsin.
When working in a factory, on a dock or in a warehouse, it’s not uncommon to work near or on big machines or heavy equipment. If you are not paying attention, or someone else is not paying attention, you could wind up getting stuck or struck by one of these objects. This is a common cause of leg injuries on the job.
A fall from heights can also leave your legs injured. Falling off of a ladder, scaffolding, a ledge or other area high off the ground can cause you to suffer a dislocation or break of your leg bones.
An object falling down from above you can also cause injuries to your legs. A heavy object can leave you pinned underneath it, crushing your legs or breaking your bones.
Slipping and tripping to the ground can also lead to leg injuries on the job. You could trip over a wire, a crate or any other hazard. You could also trip and fall into a hole if you are not careful.
Suffering a leg injury on the job can keep you from working for quite a while. You will need to go through extensive rehabilitation, especially if the injury required surgery. Make sure you are prepared for the time you will miss at work and how much medical care will be required.