Suffering an injury on the job can keep you out of work for quite a while, causing the bills to pile up as you no longer have a steady income. Even though you can file for and receive ‘ , this is only a percentage of your regular income. If you are injured at work, you might be able to hold your employer responsible for your injury.
One way in which an employer can be held responsible for the injuries suffered by an employee is if they were negligent in hiring the employee who caused the injury or if they provided negligent supervision when the accident occurred that caused an injury. In order for this to work, the employer must have reasonably known that the employee they hired would not be a good fit for the job or would be dangerous.
Employers cannot be held responsible for accidents and injuries caused by their employees who are not working within the scope of their job duties. This means they cannot be held responsible if the employee failed to follow orders or is not on the clock when the accident occurred, or if the accident occurred off of work property.
Never refuse medical care when injured at work. If you do, your employer will have you sign a refusal form. You will then have trouble bringing a lawsuit against your employer at a later date if you so choose.
Being able to hold your employer responsible for an injury suffered on the job is important in more ways than one. You will be able to pay the bills, provide for your family and stay out of date as you rehab your injury.