Why do divorce rates climb after the holidays?

On Behalf of | Dec 19, 2024 | Family Law |

Some family law attorneys refer to January as divorce month. Every year, lawyers tend to see a significant increase in the number of people seeking guidance on divorce immediately after the holidays. Researchers have found that divorce filings spike in March and toward the end of the summer in August every year.

This cyclical trend in divorce filings indicates that there may be cultural and seasonal factors that influence when people file for divorce. Why do many spouses start contemplating divorce shortly after the holidays?

People wait to avoid holiday disruptions

One of the reasons that there is a noticeable increase in divorce filings after the winter holidays is that people don’t want to file right before the holidays. Particularly when people have children together or when they travel for the holidays, they may not want to disrupt family plans by announcing their decision to divorce.

Instead, they wait until after the holidays have passed to take action. The reflection that often comes with the holiday season and the end of the year can also lead to people realizing that they may be happier if they divorce. The holiday season can also serve to highlight household tensions and discrepancies in how much each spouse contributes to the family.

Vacations can highlight issues with the marriage

Travel plans during the holidays or summer vacation can also influence when people choose to file for divorce. Many people want to put off thinking about major decisions until after they’ve had an opportunity to rest and relax.

During vacation, they may become frustrated with the behavior of their spouses. That may mean that they have to start making difficult decisions when they return from a holiday trip or a summer vacation with their families.

Regardless of when people decide to file for divorce, there are many practical matters that they likely need to address. They have to divide their property, determine if financial support is necessary and make arrangements for sharing custody if there are minor children in the family.

Learning about the rules that apply during divorce can help people prepare. Spouses who take the time to gather proper documentation and establish achievable goals may approach divorce more gracefully than those who rush into the process.


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